Thursday, August 7, 2014

Creation Moment 8/8/2014 - Hobbit Evolution Debunked

REMEMBER that Hobbit evolution story from a few years ago?....I still have the National Geographic copy of it when it came out.....Well GUESS What?........

"That little skull from a cave in Indonesia was not a pre-human, but a regular human with Down Syndrome.
The latest analysis of the puny skull LB1 from Ling Bua Cave on the island of Flores is in.  When discovered, evolutionists were sure it represented a new hominid species.  They even gave it a name, Homo floresiensis, affectionately dubbed The Hobbit.
 Science Daily summarizes a new, detailed multivariate analysis on the one skull and several leg bones from the site.  They conclude this has nothing to do with evolution.  The skull was from an individual with the common condition called Down Syndrome (a chromosome abnormality).  Down Syndrome can produce severe effects on skulls and skeletons.
In addition, the team of Robert Eckhardt (Penn State) found errors in the initial measurements of skull capacity and limb length.  While still small by normal standards (430 ml instead of 380 ml), the brain capacity falls within the range of Down Syndrome individuals for that region." CEH
Professing themselves to be wise, they became fools,
Romans 1:22
I guess Scientific American will have to wipe the
evolutionary egg off of their face over this one.....
All that paper, time & ink wasted by them (& others)
coming up with a whole tree lineage & pictures for a
so-called "new species" of humans which turned out to be
nothing more than humans with down syndrome.