Wednesday, August 6, 2014

Creation Moment 8/7/2014 - Evolution Kids Camp (I kid U not)

"A Unitarian organization in Missouri hosted an evolution camp for kids earlier this month, during which the kids were taught how to defend evolutionary theory from critics, including Christians.
According to a report from the Springfield News-Leader, the First Unitarian Universalist “Church” of Springfield sponsored an evolution camp this month for about 30 children. The camp, which took place July 7–11, was designed for youth between the ages of 5 and 11.
During the camp, the children were taught the basic tenets of the evolutionary worldview.
I am the universe,” one of the camp’s Unitarian organizers, Jennifer Lara, recited to the kids.
 “Like you, I started as a speck about 13 billion years ago....
Ken Ham of Answers in Genesis described the Unitarian group as “a secular (anti-Christian) institution.”
Secularists … want to indoctrinate children in their worldview of atheism—Exposing the children to multiple views (except those of Christians) and training them to supposedly be open-minded so that they can decide for themselves seem to be a common theme these days,” he added. “There has been an intense attempt to indoctrinate people in evolution through the education system and the media and sadly through compromising churches.” ChristianNews
Train up a child in the way he should go:
 and when he is old, he will not depart from it.
Proverbs 22:6