Monday, August 11, 2014

Creation Moment 8/12/2014 - Magnetic field diversity

"Earth and Mercury are both rocky planets with iron cores,
but Mercury's interior differs from Earth's in a way that explains why the planet has such a bizarre magnetic field, UCLA planetary physicists and colleagues report.
Measurements from NASA's Messenger spacecraft have revealed that Mercury's magnetic field is approximately three times stronger at its northern hemisphere than its southern one.
The magnetic fields that surround and shield many planets from the sun's energy-charged particles differ widely in strength.

While Earth's is powerful,
Jupiter's is more than 12 times stronger,
and Mercury has a rather weak magnetic field.
Venus likely has none at all.
The magnetic fields of Earth, Jupiter and Saturn
show very little difference between the planets' two hemispheres.
Within Earth's core, iron turns from a liquid to a solid at the inner boundary of the planet's liquid outer core; this results in a solid inner part and liquid outer part. The solid inner core is growing, and this growth provides the energy that generates Earth's magnetic field. Many assumed, incorrectly, that Mercury would be similar." MyScience

If we all formed from the same dust debris in this solar system, as evolutionists believe, and by the same process, again, why the wide range of diversity? Shouldn't all the planets be the same?
Through faith we understand that the worlds were framed by the word of God,
Hebrews 11:3