Tuesday, July 29, 2014

SDA News - Jordan Allows Adventists

"Seventh-day Adventist Church President Ted N. C. Wilson, wrapping up a nearly month-long tour of five countries, thanked Jordanian authorities for averting a possible crisis by renewing the official registration of the Seventh-day Adventist Church in the Middle Eastern country.

Wilson met with Jordan’s tourism minister, Nidal Katamine, on Wednesday afternoon and thanked him and the government for renewing the registration, which is required for Adventists to worship and had been in jeopardy just weeks earlier.
Jordan’s parliament resolved the issue, Wilson said.
“We asked the minister to give thanks to the king of Jordan and to the prime minister,” he said by e-mail.

The Adventist Church only has about 150 members in the country, whose population is about 95 percent Muslim. But the Church has been legally authorized to function there by royal decree since 1960.
Wilson said he met with members at the Amman Seventh-day Adventist Church on Wednesday night “to bring them spiritual encouragement during these challenging times in the Middle East.”"
Here is the patience of the saints:
here are they that keep the commandments of God,
and the faith of Jesus.
Revelation 14:12