Wednesday, July 23, 2014

Papal Notes - Papal GREEN Encyclical (We'll be Watching for it....)

...and worshiped and served created things rather than the Creator... Romans 1:25 NIV
***We've been claiming that a possible way spiritual "Egypt" could go along with spiritual "Babylon" with the implementation of the mark-of-the-beast is via the GREEN Religion.
"Babylon" implements it to appease an angry Father God. (Revelation is clear that "Babylon" starts it). But how does "Babylon" coax "Egypt"? Scripture doesn't say--yet they might set aside a day to reduce our so-called carbon footprint--in other words to appease an angry mother earth.
So to those "progressive" SDA's who claim the world is to secular for a Sabbath-Sunday battle, think again.***

-The Pope Working on an Encyclical about the Environment-
"Pope Francis, who took his name from the saint seen as the patron of the animals and the environment, is writing an encyclical on man's relationship with nature....
He said the theme of the encyclical, the highest form of papal writing, would be "the ecology of mankind".
"In a speech about two weeks after his election on March 13, the pope said he had taken his name after St. Francis of Assisi because he "teaches us profound respect for the whole of creation and the protection of our environment, which all too often, instead of using for the good, we exploit greedily, to one another's detriment."
Francis of Assisi, the 13th saint, loved nature. He is said to have preached to birds and called the sun brother and the moon sister." Reuters

"Pope Francis prepares encyclical on the Ecology for start of 2015
Minister General, Order of Friars Minor
"The Pope himself brought up the issue of the environment.

To help him reflect on this issue, the Franciscan leaders gave him a copy of their "Franciscans for Ecology” text. In it, they cite several initiatives within this field that the Order has promoted, alongside people of other faiths." RomeReports

"There are two pitfalls in trying to contrast 'human ecology' and ‘natural ecology.'

The first is found among those who so stress the continuity in molecular matter between humans and their environment (materialists and/or those who see an evolution without God) that they assert that any attempt to claim a special status for humans as the image and likeness of God is a form of what they call "species-ism." This is the position of the Australian ethicist Peter Singer, for example.

A second pitfall (more likely found among religious thinkers) is to so exalt the special character of humans as to neglect the ways we have evolved with and depend for our survival on other species or to assume that a glacier or a polar bear or a barrier coral reef is not, also, in some sense made in the image and likeness of God.
In his apostolic letter, “Evangelii Gaudium,” Francis speaks of "whatever is fragile, like the environment, is defenseless before the interests of a deified market."
from TheNationalCatholicReview

RESPONSE to the National Catholic Review:
1) Mankind was given dominion over the earth.
2) We have not "evolved" with other "species".
3) Mankind was made in the image of God--NOT polar bears or coral reefs!!!
4) This is how you get this kind of non-sense from a so-called Christian organization. By rejecting Genesis 1-11, they have slid down this path into alliance with the secular. It appears likely that the GREEN Religion will be the carrot stick to spiritual "Egypt".
This picture (a message from the radical environmental movement)
actually appeared on a Catholic website promoting
the forthcoming encyclical from Francis.....