Thursday, July 17, 2014

Papal Notes - I Guess I'm An Orphan...

"Pope Francis told a group of young people discerning a religious vocation to never go it alone, but always
stay by their mother, Mary.
"A Christian without Our Lady is an orphan. Also a Christian without the church is an orphan. A Christian needs these two women, two mothers, two virgins: the church and Our Lady," he said Saturday.
The best thing to do is always pray to Mary and keep her close when one needs to make a major life decision like the choice of one's vocation, he said.
A "test" to see if one is following the right Christian vocation is to "ask yourself: 'How is my relationship with these two mothers I have? With the mother church and the mother Mary?" Pope Francis said." NCR
Well, I guess I'm an orphan then......
.....we have an advocate with the Father, Jesus Christ....
1 John 2:1