Thursday, July 3, 2014

July 4, 1826.....

On this day in 1826, former Presidents Thomas Jefferson and John Adams, who were once fellow Patriots and then adversaries, die on the same day within five hours of each other.
Last Words:
John Adams last words were "Thomas Jefferson still survives." then Adams died ... Thomas Jefferson  his last words had been spoken the previous day on the 3rd of July. He had asked "Is it the fourth yet?" He was assured it was only a few hours away. He didn't speak again and died the following day on the 4th. Adams died 5 hours after Jefferson, not knowing Jefferson was already dead.

The 2 men who gave the 2nd beast, that rose up out of the earth, it's 2 lamb-like horns
(Seperation of church & state)
.....and he had two horns like a lamb,
Revelation 13:11

"The nearly concurrent deaths of two political giants on such a momentous day seemed preordained and fitting."