Wednesday, July 16, 2014

IN the NEWS - Poll on Religions

American Views of Religions:
"Americans give their highest scores to Jews, Catholics and Evangelicals on a zero-to-100 “thermometer” featured in the survey, “How Americans Feel about Religious Groups,” released Wednesday (July 16). They’re nestled within a few degrees of each other: Jews, 63; Catholics, 62; evangelicals, 61.
In the middle of the chart: Buddhists, 53; Hindus, 50; Mormons, 48. Trending to the chilly negative zone: atheists at 41 and Muslims at 40.
Campbell, a political scientist at the University of Notre Dame, said he was particularly struck that Pew found “there hasn’t been any real change in views on Mormons in spite of the (hit Broadway play) “The Book of Mormon” and Mitt Romney’s presidential campaign and all the attention to the so-called Mormon Moment.” RNS
Then we departed from the river of Ahava on the twelfth day of the first month,...Ezra 8:31