Tuesday, July 22, 2014

IN the NEWS - No "gay" gene afterall...

"The results of a comprehensive scientific study released earlier this year suggest that homosexuality cannot be directly traced to a ‘gay gene,’ but is instead dependent on a variety of factors, including environmental and social influences.
During the meeting, Michael Bailey of Northwestern University unveiled comprehensive research results which suggest that genetics alone do not determine “sexual orientation.”

In his research, Bailey and other scientists examined the DNA of 400 men who described themselves as homosexual. Ultimately, the researchers concluded that homosexuality cannot be traced to specific genes.
The findings show that it is impossible to accurately predict a person’s sexual behavior by solely examining DNA.
“The flawed thinking behind a genetic test for sexual orientation is clear from studies of twins, which show that the identical twin of a gay man, who carries an exact replica of his brother’s DNA, is more likely to be straight than gay,” The Guardian article continues. “That means even a perfect genetic test that picked up every gene linked to sexual orientation would still be less effective than flipping a coin.”" ChristianNews

So we are back to square one: For from within, out of the heart of man, come evil thoughts, sexual immorality, ...All these evil things come from within, and they defile a person.
Mark 7:21,23 ESV

P.S.- God sets the BOUNDARIES. When we step outside-it's called SIN. (He offers us JUSTIFICATION for this). But He expects us to step back within those BOUNDARIES. (It's called SANCTIFICATION).