Tuesday, July 22, 2014

IN the NEWS - Illegal Immigrant Saint Relic?

And it came to pass through the lightness of her whoredom,
that she defiled the land,
and committed adultery
with stones and with stocks.
Jeremiah 3:9

"Immigrants are flocking to churches in Southern California to see a wooden statue of a saint cherished by border-crossers who make the perilous journey to the United States. The 4-foot-tall statue of
Committing spiritual adultery with
stones & stocks (sticks & stones)
Santo Toribio Romo Gonzalez was flown from the Mexican town of Jalisco, and is making stops in churches in three California counties,
the Los Angeles Times reported Sunday.
Many immigrants say Romo Gonzalez has appeared to them during difficult moments on their journeys north, with some carrying a photo of the saint in their wallets. Romo Gonzalez was a priest killed during a 1928 religious uprising and was canonized 14 years ago. His statue will be received at the Cathedral of Our Lady of the Angels in downtown Los Angeles next Sunday." NBC

"An ankle bone from the priest, housed in a small wooden statue in his image, is on loan from Mexico and has been making the rounds of churches in Southern California.   
The relic has drawn those worried about the plight of tens of thousands of migrant children from Central America who have fled to the United States and are awaiting detention hearings." VoiceOfAmerica