Wednesday, July 9, 2014

IN the NEWS - God vs. the state of California

California says.....

"The terms “husband” and “wife” have been deleted from California’s marriage law under a bill signed into law Monday by Gov. Jerry Brown.
The terms will be replaced with “spouse” to accommodate same-sex marriage,....
SB1306, the bill signed Monday by Brown, takes effect Jan. 1 and reflects the legality of gay marriage after a decade of litigation.
The bill was authored by state Sen. Mark Leno of San Francisco, who said Monday the bill is necessary to update existing state law." FOX

GOD says....

And he answered and said unto them,
Have ye not read,
 that he which made them at the beginning made them
male and female,
And said, For this cause shall a man leave father and mother,
 and shall cleave to his wife:
Matthew 19:4,5