Tuesday, July 1, 2014

Creation Moment 7/2/2014 - Linguistic Trees, Lawns & Orchards

Go to, let us go down, and there confound their language,
 that they may not understand one another's speech.
Genesis 11:7

(A) Evolutionary tree
Evolutionary belief about languages—all probably derived from one primitive early language, which evolved from animal grunts.

(B) Language Lawn
Common (mis)conception of Genesis. Each of today’s languages arose separately at Babel.

(C) Genesis Orchard
After the Flood (we are not given any information about pre-Flood language diversification) the only language was that spoken by Noah’s family. At Babel, the family groups were each programmed suddenly and supernaturally with a different language. Each of these created languages has gone on to diversify into many separate languages, which are all related to each other—each group has a ‘common ancestor’ language.

Note that these same three diagrams also apply to the changes in living things. Evolutionary belief (A) has all species arising from one common ancestor. The misconception (B) has every species in the world separately created and unchanged through time. The biblical reality (C) has each kind separately created, with variation and diversification within that kind (no new information, hence no evolution), including after the Flood. Thus wolves, dingoes, coyotes, etc. have all arisen from an ancestral ‘dog kind’ population descended from that population which was on the Ark.