Friday, July 11, 2014

Creation Moment 7/12/2014 - Early Champion of Theistic Evolution

"They started right at the beginning. The first thing they denied was the existence of Adam and Eve. The
Catholic priest Chardin
early champion of the false doctrine
of theistic evolution
“creation story,” as they call it, was too much to swallow. They refused to see the Omnipotent Hand of God in the creation of one man and one woman, from whom all people would be born.
Following the materialists, they clung instead to the grotesquerie of man’s upward ascent from the ape in a progression of hideous creatures of their own imagination. They declared that some family of apes called hylobatidae split into hominidae—as if that explained anything at all. They came up with neo-Latin names to deceive and impress: Australopithecus, Homo erectus, Homo Heidelbergensis, Homo rhodesiensis, Homo denisova, and finally, the familiar, Homo neanderthalenis—the Neanderthal.

They presented those creatures of their imagination as scientific fact. It didn’t matter that they had no more ‘evidence’ than a jawbone here, a skull, there, and various bone fragments that they labelled and pronounced pre-human.
They spun their fairy tales from fossils and taught polygenesis as truth.
But look what happens when you start with a false premise. The logic can be unassailable, but the conclusions are still false. The lie grows more blatant and the thought disorder more severe with every assertion. Let’s follow the line of reasoning in the usual if…then…form.
They needed to come up with a new spirituality, a new theology, fit for the superior post-modern mind. Something to fill the emptiness. They believed themselves Christians, after all.
It didn’t take them long to find a champion.
He was Fr. Teilhard de Chardin, the Jesuit priest-paleontologist. In 1917, he wrote Le prêtre, (The Priest), laying the theological foundation of a substitute faith. The New Religion has one principal doctrine, from which all his errors flow: The universe is evolving from matter to Humanity and Humanity is evolving into Christ.
A new spirit, born of speculative evolutionism and the worship of science, had been let loose. The underground circulation continued unabated. Teilhard died, but in 1957, another of his books, Le phénomène humain, was published in France. Three years later, in 1960. The English edition of The Phenomenon of Man, was published, followed by The Divine Milieu.
To Teilhard, there was no separate supernatural realm. Everyone and everything were involved in the “transformation of consciousness.”

For the Teilhardians..... It’s not just matter, you see. Not at all. There is no distinction between matter and spirit. The universe is alive, evolving, transforming until someday, the whole beautiful thing will be Christ.
Come on. Are these people serious? Rocks and minerals and inert gasses are going to be Christ?
The living universe will be divinized. We will all together, not singly, not individually, but indivisibly reach the Omega Point.
And what is that?
Not Jesus of Nazareth. Oh, no. The Cosmic Christ. Christ is huge, they say. He is a continually evolving being as big as the universe." by S.C. Potts

And changed the glory of the uncorruptible God
into an image made like to corruptible man,
Romans 1:23