Thursday, June 26, 2014

SDA News - Romney/Carson 2016?

"One interesting pairing that is starting to gain consideration is a ticket featuring former governor Mitt Romney with Dr. Ben Carson as his running mate.

Romney has seen a surge of popularity lately due to a number of his predictions back in 2012 having prophetically come to pass. Carson has also become a favorite among conservatives for boldly discussing Obama’s failed policies at the 2013 National Prayer Breakfast.

via The Christian Post:
If Mitt Romney had renowned neurosurgeon Dr. Benjamin Carson as his running mate in the 2012 presidential elections, he would have been president today, says National Black Church Initiative (NBCI) President Anthony Evans.
“Let’s put it this way. If Mitt Romney had selected Dr. Carson as his running mate in
2012, he would have been President of the United States today,” said Evans in an interview with The Christian Post on Tuesday.
“You don’t need 100 percent of the black vote to win. If 15 percent of the black vote had gone to Romney (in 2012) he would have won, especially in Ohio,” added Evans, who described himself as an independent voter.
“Dr. Carson’s bipartisan belief in the American people, reverence for its history and his refusal to be intimidated by notions of political correctness are refreshing,” said Republican New York City Councilman Dan Halloran to CP.
“In one of his analogies, he correctly pointed out that a bird needs both a left wing and a right wing to fly. There should be a balance of power between the parties, including here in New York. His warnings about education, wild spending and taxes that punish success should be heeded by both parties. If anyone is offended by those ideas, maybe they should ask themselves why.”
Romney and Carson on the same ticket would be amazing. Both of these men understand the history of the country, how the economy works, and the principles of compromise and team work to get things done.
If the pair decide to run together, there’s little doubt that they would win the nomination, and likely the election. It would be a great start to getting the country back on track." ConservativeTribune

A Romney/Carson ticket....but how would the Christian right respond to not only a Mormon  again....but also to an SDA? Hmmm....Not to mention the Catholic leadership.....

 .....and where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is liberty.
2 Corinthians 3:17