Sunday, June 15, 2014

IN the NEWS - Who are the 26%?

"According to the poll conducted by CBS News, 59 percent of Americans believe that transgender individuals should use the bathroom that corresponds with the gender they were assigned at birth, while 26 percent are comfortable with self-determination when it comes to choosing which bathroom to use.
The use of public restrooms, locker rooms and changing rooms by transgender individuals has long been a polarizing issue. In early 2013, transgender first-grader Coy Mathis was barred from using the girl's restroom at her school. The case sparked a national debate about school policies for transgender children, with the court eventually ruling that Mathis should have been allowed to use the bathroom of her choice.
 In California lawmakers passed a bill last year that allows transgender public school students to use the restroom and play on the sports teams that correspond with their gender identity." HP
Of the 26%.....
.....but became vain in their imaginations,
and their foolish heart was darkened.
Romans 1:21