Monday, June 16, 2014

IN the NEWS - Evil Stalks Kenya Again

"Kenyan authorities say Islamic terrorists from Somalia are responsible for a massacre at the coastal resort city of Mpeketoni, about 60 miles from the Somali border.
At least 48 people died when dozens of jihadists brandishing automatic rifles opened fire at two hotels, a police station, and government offices, spraying the streets with gunfire and randomly killing civilians.
One police officer said residents were watching the World Cup at the Breeze View Hotel when gunmen forced the women to watch as they pulled the men aside and executed them.
Those who were unable to answer questions about Islam or speak the Somali language were killed.
Al Shabab, an Islamic terrorist group in Somalia, has carried out several attacks in neighboring Kenya." CBN
You shall not murder.
Deuteronomy 5:17 NKJV