Thursday, June 12, 2014

IN the NEWS - Bridge between "Babylon" & "Egypt" - Liberal Christians

.......because they exchanged the truth about God for a lie and worshiped and served the creature rather than the Creator,...Romans 1:25 ESV

"The trustees of a progressive Christian seminary voted unanimously Tuesday to start divesting from fossil fuels, claiming that the move shows faith communities’ growing concern over climate change.
Union Theological Seminary in New York City has become the world’s first seminary to take such a staunch stance, ensuring that its more than $108 million endowment no longer invests in fuels critics believe are negatively impacting the environment....
.......explained Union President Serene Jones.  “Climate change poses a catastrophic threat, and as stewards of God’s creation we simply must act.”
Michael Johnson, chair of Union Theological Seminary’s investment committee, added in the release that he believes “climate change is … killing people” and that it is no longer moral to make money off of the production of fossil fuels." TheBlaze

Another example of how the GREEN Religion could be used in the implementation of the mark of the beast. This is for those who think the world is too secular for the mark of the beast (a battle over worship). Spiritual "Babylon" implements it because of natural disasters, and other things, to appease an "angry" FATHER God. But how could spiritual "Egypt" be coaxed into going along? One way is to set aside a day to appease an angry mother earth by reducing our so-called carbon footprint.
These theologically liberal "Christians" are simply a bridge between both sides of "Babylon" & "Egypt".