Tuesday, June 24, 2014

IN the NEWS - Breaking News / Sudan does it again

Hey SUDAN........
Do not be mean-spirited........
Deuteronomy 15:9 NLT
Day of her release...
Before her re-arrest

"One day after Sudanese Christian Meriam Ibrahim was released from prison, she has been re-arrested by authorities. The world applauded the freedom of Ibrahim and the recission of her death penalty sentence; now Ibrahim is back in the hands of police. 
Ibrahim had been in prison since February on apostasy charges.
Ibrahim was detained at the airport by about 40 security agents reports BBC News. The former prisoner was planning to travel to the United States with her husband and two young children; Ibrahim's husband, Daniel Wani, holds U.S. citizenship. 
It is said that Ibrahim is being held at the headquarters of a Sudanese security agency." CH

"A top Sudanese official has told the BBC she would be freed "soon".
Abdullahi Alzareg from the ministry of foreign affairs told the BBC's Newshour programme that Mrs Ibrahim had been arrested because she did not have the correct travel documents.
Although she is Sudanese, she was using emergency South Sudanese papers with a US visa, he said.
Her husband is a Christian from what is now South Sudan and has US nationality.
One of Mrs Ibrahim's lawyers, el-Shareef Ali, told the BBC that her legal team is being denied access to her." BBC

"The US had indicated its willingness to expedite the family’s route to starting afresh across the Atlantic - but said while the release was a "huge first step", getting the family on a plane to the US would be the second.
Mr Wani had earlier described how Ms Ibrahim was forced to give birth in prison with her legs chained, after she refused to renounce her Christian faith during a four day 'grace period' when she was eight months pregnant." TheIndependent

"When contacted by NBC News, a State Department spokeswoman said Ibrahim was "safe," but declined to say where due to security reasons." NBC 

Watch Clip Below from CNN