Sunday, June 1, 2014

GENESIS ROOTS: The 7 Last Plagues & 7 Days of Creation & 7 articles of Sanctuary furniture

Biblical key doctrines have their roots in Genesis 1-11. This is why these chapters should be defended by Christians---not undermined or ignored by them.

The 7 last plagues of Revelation seem to follow the flow of the 7 days of Creation, as well as relating to the flow of the 7 parts of the Sanctuary, generally.

Plague 1: A judgment poured out from the throne of God on those who take the mark of the beast.
But relating to the ark of the covenant, for those who have the mark of the beast are violating God's Law (see 4th commandment)
Creation began when God made a judgment---In the beginning...Genesis 1:1, to make the earth.
Sanctuary: this would be the one flipped relationship in the flow, yet both could be said to stem from the Most Holy place. The 7th plague and the first day of Creation would seem to correlate - emanating from the throne of God---and there came a great voice out of the temple of heaven, from the throne, saying, It is done. Revelation 16:17

Plague 2: Poured out of the seas. (Salt water bodies).
Creation Day 2 dealt with the separation of the waters.
Sanctuary aspect would be represented by the brazen laver of water in the outer court.

Plague 3: Poured out on the fountains of water & rivers. (Drinking water).
Creation Day 3 involved the separation of land & water. This would be the production of drinking waters on earth.
Sanctuary aspect would be in the inner court where the table of bread contained the drinking cups for the drink offering.---For they have shed the blood of saints and prophets, and thou hast given them blood to drink; Revelation 16:6

Plague 4: Sun scorches men.
Creation Day 4 was the creation of the sun, moon & stars.
Sanctuary aspect would be the altar of burnt sacrifice. NOTICE- the middle of 7 is 4. And in the middle of the plagues, He seems to be centered on the Sacrifice for mankind, with 3 plagues balanced on each side of this plague. They have rejected His burnt sacrifice & now He scorches them with the sun.

Plague 5: Darkness on the seat of the beast.
Creation Day 5 was the creation of fish & fowl. This is the only other reference to the "beast" by name (the other in the first plague that began the process) in the 7 plagues. this would be of course at the heart of spiritual Babylon, which is referred to as "birds". And he cried mightily with a strong voice, saying, Babylon the great is fallen, is fallen, ...and a cage of every unclean and hateful bird. Revelation 18:2
Sanctuary aspect would be the snuffing out to the human race of the 7 branch candlestick-for we are also told in this plague that -- and his kingdom was full of darkness; and they gnawed their tongues for pain, Revelation 16:10

Plague 6: Drying up of the Euphrates to prepare for the Kings of the East and Armageddon as well as the frogs going forth from the mouths of the dragon, beast & false prophet.
Creation Day 6 man was given dominion over the earth. Now in plague 6 God flips it around & openly gives dominion to Lucifer, for of the 3 unclean frogs it says -- For they are the spirits of devils, working miracles, which go forth unto the kings of the earth and of the whole world, to gather them to the battle of that great day of God Almighty. Revelation 16:14.
Sanctuary aspect would be the altar of incense, representing prayer to God. There is to be no more communion for mankind via the altar. The "worldly" are LOST to God.

Plague 7: IT IS DONE Revelation 16:17.....and the hail & earthquake.
Creation Day 7 was the resting of God on the 7th day (Sabbath). Thus the heavens and the earth were finished, and all the host of them. And on the seventh day God ended his work which he had made; and he rested on the seventh day from all his work which he had made.
Genesis 2:1,2
Sanctuary aspect would be ending as it began--in the Most Holy Place. But the inverse relationship would be here at the end of the plagues we end at the judgment seat of God whereas the plagues began for breaking the law of god encased in the ark of the covenant, also in the Most Holy Place.
But creation began from the judgment seat of God -- but ended on the Sabbath, which is in the Law of God, also in the Most Holy Place.

So you could say that Creation began & ended from within the Most Holy place.
And the 7 Last Plagues begin & end from within the Most Holy Place.
1) He is pouring out on the head of man the inverse relationship of His plan of salvation seen in the 7 articles of furniture in the Sanctuary.
2) He is reminding them of Him as Creator, whom they have rejected.
The 7 Last Plagues are a reminder of Him as Creator & Redeemer.