Sunday, June 8, 2014

Creation Moment 6/9/2014 - Youthful Saturn

"New evidence confirms that, like Earth, Saturn's magnetic field helps create its own auroras. This space spectacle attracts a more fundamental question about where its magnetic field came from in the first place.

Magnetic fields can be created by running electrical current through copper coils, but it fades as soon as the battery runs down. Certain types of metals can store a magnetic field for a time, as in a bar magnet. But even these long-lasting magnetic fields decay over time. What about Saturn?

The magnetic field of Saturn decreases slowly enough to persist for several thousand years.  But if the planet were billions of years old, as secularists allege, then its magnetic field should have decayed to nothing long ago. Secular scientists have had a really tough time explaining all planetary magnetic fields, including Saturn's. They continually adjust various magnetic dynamo theories, but none yet proposed have succeeded in theoretically upholding the magnetic field strength over the billions of years since the planets supposedly formed.

 In short, Saturn's newly confirmed magnetic field looks like a recent creation." ICR
Hath in these last days spoken unto us by his Son, whom also he made the worlds;
Hebrews 1:2