Saturday, June 7, 2014

Creation Moment 6/8/2014 - Busted!

A Tricky Evolutionist
"The division of investigative oversight in the Office of Research Integrity (ORI), in the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, has found that former Harvard professor of psychology Marc Hauser “engaged in research misconduct” in research supported by several federal grants. 

Hauser studied the evolution of language and cognition, in research involving monkeys and humans.

Hauser fabricated half the data in a bar graph in a research paper on learning by cotton-top tamarins, published in 2002 in the journal Cognition. (The paper was retracted in 2010.)

  • Hauser “falsified the coding” of some monkeys’ responses to sound stimuli in two unpublished papers. The report says Hauser acknowledged to collaborators that he had miscoded some of the data, and that the experiment did not support the initial hypothesis.
  • Hauser “falsely described” the experimental methodology used to code results for two experiments in a manuscript submitted to Cognition, Science, and Nature. All the problems with the descriptions of the work were corrected prior to final submission and publication in Cognition in 2007.
  • Hauser “falsely reported the results and methodology” for one of seven experiments in a paper published in Proceedings of the Royal Society B in 2007. Hauser “takes full responsibility for the falsifications reported in the published paper.” He and coauthors replicated the findings with complete supporting data, and published the results in 2011 in the same journal.
  • Hauser “accepts responsibility for a false statement” in the methodology description of one experiment in a Science article in 2007; Hauser and a coauthor later replicated the results with full supporting data and published them in the same journal in 2011.
  • Hauser “engaged in research misconduct” by inconsistently coding data in an unpublished experiment, “falsely changing the coding results.” The research was recoded, Hauser acknowledged to collaborators that “his coding was incorrect,” and the research was not written up for publication.
  • According to the report, Hauser “neither admits nor denies committing research misconduct but accepts ORI has found evidence of research misconduct” as detailed in the report and has entered into a voluntary settlement." HarvardMagazine
    A righteous man hateth lying: but a wicked man is loathsome, and cometh to shame.
    Proverbs 13:5