Friday, June 6, 2014

Creation Moment 6/7/2014 - Gallup Poll 2014 on Creation

"As the seemingly never-ending debate over evolution continues to rage, a new Gallup poll shows where the American public stands on the ever-contentious issue.
There are three camps Americans generally fall in when it comes to expressing their views on creation: they believe God created human beings in their current form, humans evolved through a God-guided process or that God was not at all involved.
According to the latest data, the largest proportion of Americans — 42 percent — believe that God created human beings in their present form, with just 19 percent saying that humans evolved without the Lord’s guidance.
Additionally, 31 percent believe mankind evolved, but with God guiding the process.
In sum, Gallup found that at least 73 percent of the nation believes God played a role in creation.
Two specific trends are worth noting. Overall, the proportion of Americans subscribing to a creationist worldview that God made humans in their present form doesn’t appear to be decreasing. 
While it is down from 46 percent in 2012, this proportion has always fluctuated, but has not dipped below 40 percent since the question was first asked in 1982." TheBlaze
In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth.
And the evening and the morning were the first day.
Genesis 1:1,5