Thursday, May 22, 2014

SDA News - ADRA advisory to stay home

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"Police are out in force and businesses have been evacuated in Honiara following two nights of riots in the Solomon Islands capital over the weekend.
According to the ABC, a crowd of more than 400 people started looting an area near King George VI
secondary school on Friday night, with the mob also burning a number of shops.
The threat of further riots has prompted several workplaces—including the Adventist Development and Relief Agency (ADRA)—to advise its employees to stay at home.
“People have gone and burned down businesses [and] stormed into shops,” said ADRA country director Angele Nkou-Deemi. “We only hope the attention will not be directed towards NGOs. So far we have not been directly attacked.” 
The riots appear to be linked to the slow progress of relief and rebuilding efforts following last month’s devastating floods, which left 23 people dead and up to 60,000 people homeless.
There are approximately 4000 people still living in evacuation centres around Honiara and the eastern plains of Guadalcanal.
With the threat of more riots over the coming days, Mrs Nkou-Deemi said she is unsure what the next steps in the recovery process will be.
“We’re currently on standby.”" Record
And I turned myself to behold wisdom, and madness, and folly:
Ecclesiastes 2:12