Sunday, May 18, 2014

SDA Issues -The "LSU 3" get spanked in court

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Titus 3:10
Those 3 professors from LSU, who tried to bring evolution into the classroom, then got fired & sued--just got "spanked" in court. (Remember, one of them referred to the youthful pastor Asscherick as needing to be "spanked" for pressing the General Conference about their foibles).

First, below is a link explaining what happened at LSU from this blog

Second, here is how it ended in court recently:
"On March 5th, Rich McCune, counsel for the LSU-3 (Beach, Bradley, and Kaatz), had a bad day in court. Riverside County law & motion Judge Edward D. Webster not only threw out the plaintiffs' case, he made McCune stay after school so he could tell Mr. McCune what he really thought of his case and his clients, “I think this case is extraordinarily ill-advised for a lot of different reasons."

Judge Webster ....his honor was just getting warmed up. Turns out he wanted to say a few things about the merits of the plaintiffs' case—or rather the lack thereof. Regarding the Beach residence transcript, he said:
Now, let me go through what we're really talking about here, because everyone is just soft-shoeing it . . . you know, it's kind of remarkably tolerant of the university that all they wanted of Mr. Kaatz and Mr. Beach was to remove them from their leadership positions and go ahead and resume their teaching positions. (Tr. 50)
Judge Webster easily saw through the plaintiffs and their schemes. Darnell “who, essentially, I think, is an ally of these three gentlemen . . . surreptitiously and improperly” recorded the Blackmer/Jackson presentation to the LSU faculty, then sent the recording to Spectrum. “[S]o I suspect that they were using Spectrum as a forum to either pressure or to stop this from happening. That's the only logical conclusion I can come to.”

And if half of it is true—and let me go through it,” said Judge Webster. I'm going to spend a little time going through what's on this tape recording. If half of it is true, it's just really bad.” (Tr. 52) So Judge Webster spent the next 18 pages (Tr. 53 to 71) going through the transcript of the recording at the Beach residence.

Judge Webster fully discharged his mind on the worthlessness of the case:
It looks like these gentlemen . . . made derogatory comments about a person with disabilities, made fun of the fundamental belief of the . . . Seventh-day Adventists relating to eating meat and drinking wine, made arguably derogatory comments about sexual orientation as well as
carried on an extended discussion and told, in no uncertain terms, what they thought of various people, all of which seems to me . . . could cause considerable concern to Mr. Graham and the board of trustees, who have the responsibility to defend the university from influences which interfere with achieving its mission . . . So it seems to me there is nothing inappropriate about him contacting these three gentlemen and seeing if they would resign. . . . And I don't see why he has to give them time to sign the resignation letter or not. These are choices that you have to make, and they may not be pleasant choices. But to say that's coercion, it's just not there. . . . I would expect him [Graham] to have consulted not only with Mr. Blackmer and Mr. Jackson, but probably with a lot of other people, trying to figure out the right thing to do. . . . Now, as to whether or not this conduct breaches the contract or [is] inappropriate, I think, is missing the point. I think the real point is did the conduct that these gentlemen displayed in this conversation, where they are displaying values on their face that are contrary to the . . . fundamental values of the church, make them unfit for leadership positions? And did they breach their morals clause themselves? And it seems to me that it did."
P.S.--Hope the "LSU 3" learned a lesson and get their act together.