Saturday, May 17, 2014

IN the NEWS - Sudanese Meriam

"Sudanese Christian woman Meriam Ibrahim has been sentenced to 100 lashes and death for her “adulterous” marriage to a Christian U.S. citizen.
Though Ibrahim was raised Orthodox Christian since the age of six, the government considers her Muslim. Ibrahim’s father was Muslim; by law, she is too.
According to Sudanese law, Muslims may not leave the faith, nor may Muslim women marry men of another faith. Ibrahim’s “crimes” are apostasy and adultery....

Authorities told Ibrahim that she will remain in jail until she denies her Christian faith or she is put to death. Ibrahim’s 20-month-old son is in prison with her; she is pregnant with a second child.
International Christian Concern (ICC) is campaigning for Ibrahim’s release and pardon. The group urges citizens to call write Sudan’s embassies to call for Ibrahim’s freedom." ChristianHeadlines
I am weary of my crying: my throat is dried:
mine eyes fail while I wait for my God.
Psalm 69:3
We've provided a template below, which you can feel free to copy and paste or modify, or you can draft your message in your own words to respectfully explain to the government of Sudan why you believe Meriam should be set free: CN

Dear Embassy Representative,

Let me first thank you for taking note of my email.

I would like to bring the attention of the government of Sudan the case of Meriam Yahia Ibrahim, a Christian mother eight months pregnant with her second child. She is a Sudanese national, University of Khartoum graduate, licensed medical professional, caring mother and faithful wife to her husband, a United States citizen
On 17 February, public order officials in Khartoum arrested and arbitrarily detained Meriam and her 20-month-old son, in violation of her human right to a fair and public trial, according to the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights (ICCPR), to which Sudan is party.
On 4 March, the El Haj Yousif Public Order Court in Khartoum handed down charges of adultery and apostasy to Meriam for legally marrying a professed Christian and for expressing her Christian faith, in violation of her human right to the free practice of religion, according to the ICCPR. to which Sudan is party.
On May 11, that same court convicted Meriam on charges of adultery and apostasy, punishable by 100 lashes and death respectively, according to Sudan's 1991 Public Order Criminal Code. Today, 15 May, Meriam will be subjected to calls by the Sudan Fatwa Council that she convert to Islam or be placed before the court once again for the handing down of the above sentences.
As such, I write your embassy today to respectfully ask the government of Sudan immediately and unconditionally release Meriam, dropping all charges and foregoing all sentences, so that she and her children, born and unborn, may return to their husband and father.
Thank you once again for your time and consideration.
[Your Name]
Embassy of Sudan
United States 
2210 Massachusetts Ave NW
Washington, DC 20008