Wednesday, May 21, 2014

IN the NEWS - More EVIL Stalking Nigeria

"At least 118 people were killed Tuesday in twin blasts at a market in the central Nigerian city of Jos, an official said, warning the toll could climb.
The explosions, which targeted Terminus market, went off some 20 to 30 minutes apart, setting fire to the entire venue.
"The death toll stands at 118. This is the number of victims recovered from the scene of the explosions, but we are still searching through the smoldering debris for more bodies," said Mohammed Abdulsalam, coordinator for the National Emergency Management Agency in the city.
"The figure may rise when the search is over," Abdulsalam said.
A journalist on the scene of the first explosion called it "massive." People were screaming and running, some covered in blood. Some had to be carried away, the journalist said.
In a statement, President Goodluck Jonathan condemned the bombings as a "tragic assault on human freedom" and described those behind them as "cruel and evil."
"President Jonathan assures all Nigerians that government remains fully committed to winning the war against terror, and this administration will not be cowed by the atrocities of enemies of human progress and civilization," the statement said, adding that Nigeria was committed to implementing anti-terrorism measures and resolutions put forth at a recent summit in Paris.
When CNN tried to speak with a nurse at a local hospital by phone, she was unable to hear because of victims' cries and screams." CNN
Apparently President Jonathan has lost control of his nations security. From the 300 kidnapped school girls to this---sorry, but total INCOMPETANCE.....just saying the obvious.

And this just in from France.......

"“France will not intervene in Nigeria, simply because Nigeria has its own armed forces that are ready and efficient,” said Hollande.
 When questioned about the growing criticisms, particularly in the US, about the Nigerian military’s efficiency and ability to rescue more than 200 schoolgirls abducted by Boko Haram militants last month, Hollande warned against being too harsh on the Nigerian armed forces.
“I don't think you can compare a terrorist group and a regular army,” said Hollande. “It's this confusion that gives an excuse to terrorist groups. There is an army in Nigeria. ..... But there will be no French military intervention."
Hollande spoke to FRANCE 24 at the end of a Paris summit on Nigeria’s security, where West African leaders agreed to wage “total war” against the militant Islamist group responsible for last month’s kidnapping of over 200 Nigerian schoolgirls." FRANCE24

Uhmm....France just went into the African nation of Mali last year to fight terrorists. But they can't send help to rescue the almost 300 kidnapped girls ANYONE going to send real help?
Didn't France, Britain & the U.S. wage war in Lybia?
Didn't the U.S. talk about intervening in Syria last year?
Didn't the U.S. send navy seals on a failed mission in Somalia recently after the mall attack in Kenya?
But no one will do anything of substance, including the useless U.N. to rescue these hundreds of girls?
King David, as a boy, took on Goliath. Where are the MEN at in leadership positions on planet earth these days?
All we have is the first lady, Mrs. Obama, doing a hashtag twitter campaign. Like Boko Haram care about "tweets".....again, just stating the OBVIOUS...

Then this:

Amraphel king of Shinar,

Arioch king of Ellasar,
Kedorlaomer king of Elam,
and Tidal king of Goiim went off to war
to fight Bera king of Sodom,
Birsha king of Gomorrah,
Shinab king of Admah,
Shemeber king of Zeboiim,
and the king of Bela, that is, Zoar.

............They captured Lot,
Abram’s nephew who was living in Sodom at the time,
taking everything he owned with them.

When Abram heard that his nephew
had been taken prisoner,
he lined up his servants,
all of them born in his household—there were 318 of them—
and chased after the captors all the way to Dan.
Abram and his men split into small groups and attacked by night.
They chased them as far as Hobah, just north of Damascus.
They recovered all the plunder along with nephew Lot and his possessions,
 including the women and the people.
Genesis 14:1,2,12,14-16