Monday, May 12, 2014

IN the NEWS - Mono Mono TWINS

"AKRON, Ohio - Twin girls born with a rare condition in Ohio were breathing on their own Sunday..... The identical twin girls shared the same amniotic sac and placenta. Such births are called monoamniotic, or "mono mono," and doctors say they occur in about one out of every 10,000 pregnancies.

They were born Friday at Akron General Medical Center, grasping each other's hands when doctors lifted them up for their parents to see after delivery.
Thistlethwaite told the Akron Beacon Journal that was "the best Mother's Day present ever."
"They're already best friends," said Thistlethwaite, 32. "I can't believe they were holding hands. That's amazing." CBS

Makes one wonder if Jacob & Esau were mono mono twins.....

And after that came his brother out, and his hand took hold on Esau's heel;
and his name was called Jacob:
Genesis 25:26