Wednesday, May 14, 2014

IN the NEWS - Huckabee right on this.....

I'm not a fan of Huckabee....but I have to agree he is right about this-----

"The Governor should call a special session of the legislature and impeach the judge and affirm the people's will. If the people wish to allow same sex marriage, they can put that matter on the ballot and vote for it." -Former Governor Mike Huckabee
"(Little Rock, AR)—County clerks in Arkansas are refusing to issue marriage licenses and the state attorney general has vowed to appeal after a Pulaski County judge ruled the state's 17-year-old ban on same-sex "marriage" unconstitutional.
In a 13-page ruling, Judge Christopher Piazza said Arkansas' constitutional amendment defining marriage as a union between one man and one woman violated the equal protection clause of the Constitution.
While Piazza said he was "not unmindful of the criticism that judges should not be super legislators," he argued that the issue was sufficiently important to overturn the will of the majority in the defense of the homosexual minority, and compared their plight to that of blacks affected by institutional racism during the last century." BCN

1) Another judge legislating from the bench....
2) The judge doesn't understand-majority rules, minority protected. Not issuing a gay marriage license is not infringing on the rights of the minority. If the society in Arkansas does not want to grant its approval of the lifestyle choice via a marriage license-they are entitled to do so.
3) Comparing gays to blacks is not only insulting to ones intelligence, it is factually inaccurate as well.
4) At least some of the county clerks in Arkansas have the backbone to stand up & say NO to this judge who apparently thinks he is the only one in the decision process.

Then saith he unto them, Render therefore unto Caesar the things which are Caesar's;
Matthew 22:21
And in this country--WE THE PEOPLE are supposed to be "Caesar"-not a man in a black robe