Friday, May 16, 2014

Creation Moment 5/17/2014 - Ham responds to Robertson

"Pat Robertson has voiced his opposition to the Bible’s history in Genesis once again, by personally
attacking young-earth creationists with name calling. In a recent episode of CBN’s 700 Club, Robertson claims, “The truth is, you have to be deaf, dumb, and blind to think that this earth that we live in only has 6,000 years of existence.”

For instance, note the following issues:
  1. Robertson thinks that oil comes from the Jurassic period (from dinosaurs), and he thinks that the Jurassic period was 65 million years ago. But, secularists actually state that oil was formed primarily from algae and plant materials (not animals like dinosaurs) throughout the Paleozoic, Mesozoic, and Cenozoic eras from 542 million years ago to essentially the present. Secular dating of the Jurassic period is 201–145 million years ago. After that is the Cretaceous period, conventionally ending 65 million years ago. The point is, Robertson doesn’t understand what the secularists teach—and yet is so quick to mock Christians who believe God’s Word.
  2. Robertson stated that the solar day is how long it takes the sun to orbit the galaxy! But the solar day is actually the rotation period of the earth with respect to the sun.
  3. What Robertson stated concerning the “galactic day” was nonsense. There is no such day recognized as a galactic day.
  4. Robertson clearly doesn’t understand dating methods, as he equates radiocarbon dating with millions of years. You see, radiocarbon dating has nothing to do with millions of years—he’s using the wrong dating method to even discuss millions of years.
Now Robertson called anyone who believes God’s Word as written in Genesis as “deaf, dumb, and blind.” What’s more, Robertson seems to believe that there were humans before Adam:
There was a point of time after the earth was created, after these things were done, after the universe was formed, after the asteroid hit the earth and wiped out the dinosaurs, and after all that there was a point of time that, there was a particular human being that God touched. And that was the human that started the race that we are now part of. I think prior to that who knows what was here.
He appears to be saying there were other human beings before Adam, but only one that “God touched” who started the human race. But in 1 Corinthians 15:45 we are told Adam was the “first man.” There were no other men before him. To believe otherwise is to believe that the Apostle Paul (and therefore God) made a mistake or lied in 1 Corinthians.

Pat Robertson’s remarks illustrate one of the biggest problems we have today in the church—people who compromise the Word of God with the pagan ideas of fallible men. That’s why a big part of the AiG ministry is to call the church and culture back to the authority of the Word." AnswersInGenesis

For there are many rebellious people who engage in useless talk and deceive others.
Titus 1:10 NLT