Sunday, May 11, 2014

Creation Moment 5/12/2014 - Human "Tails"?

"Dr. Giberson, a physicist, stating the often-heard Darwinian evolutionary view of human "tails." But is any of it true?
  • Are humans ever born with "perfectly formed, even functional tails"?
  • Is the "scientific explanation" of the human tail that really they're simply an accidental turning on of the "complete instructions for the production" of tails retained from our "tailed ancestors," that is, the failure to "ignore" our vestigial "genes" for tails?
  • Are humans born with tails typically "otherwise healthy" -- i.e., are human "tails" simply benign structures that indicate nothing more than our descent from tailed ancestors?
The answer, unequivocally, is no, no and no.

Moreover, the most current medical thinking about human tails views them as a type of developmental defect, not an evolutionary regression. They are an abnormality almost always associated with other neurodevelopmental defects. They are not the result of the accidental "turning on" of "vestigial genes." Specifically, they are the result of the failure of a developmental structure, one that grows during normal human development, to regress into the embryo. Though the causes of this are still not entirely clear, what is clear is that the failure to regress is caused by underlying developmental abnormalities that cause a variety of other birth defects as well. As a general rule, tails are not found in "otherwise healthy" babies.

Moreover, the classical evolutionary view of human tails has caused
some doctors to wrongly view them as nothing more than a mere benign evolutionary relict -- a diagnosis that multiple experts have warned is potentially dangerous. Why? Because it could lead to treatments that ignore other defects commonly associated with tails. In other words, the evolutionary myth of human tails is not only mistaken. It is also medically harmful." EN&V
For we know that the whole creation groaneth and travaileth in pain together until now.
Romans 8:22