Saturday, May 10, 2014

Creation Moment 5/11/2014 - Evolution FAIL

This is what an Evolutionist might answer
if they were to base the answer from glancing at
the data from where they stand on earth.
  1. Initially, the Earth was a lifeless planet.
  2. There is life on Earth now.
  3. At some time in the past, life either originated on Earth, or came to Earth from outer space.
  4. Regardless of where or when life originated, it had to originate sometime, somewhere, somehow.
  5. Life either originated by purely natural processes, or else some supernatural element must have been involved.
  6. Science, as defined by the American public school system, excludes supernatural explanations.
  7. Science depends upon the “Scientific Method” for determining truth.
  8. The Scientific Method involves testing hypotheses using repeatable experiments.
  9. If there is a scientific explanation for the origin of life, it must depend entirely on natural, repeatable processes.
  10. If life originated by a natural process under certain specific conditions, it should be possible to create life again under the same conditions.
  11. For more than 50 years scientists have tried to find conditions that produce life, without success. DWJ
Let them praise the name of the LORD:
for he commanded, and they were created.
Psalm 148:5