Friday, May 9, 2014

Creation Moment 5/10/2014 - Darwinism on the Ropes

"Just at the time when the standard Neo-Darwinian theory of evolution is on the ropes, ......Meyer said. He argued that the modern theory of evolution "is in its death throes," referring to his book Darwin's Doubt, which lists the different ways Darwin's theory is failing and how biologists are searching for new theories.
Bio-Chemists "are working on new theories of evolution because they know the mutation mechanism has very little power," Meyer explained. The Neo-Darwinian view, which argued for "an unguided, undirected biological process which presented the appearance of design," is increasingly untenable, which creates a tremendous opportunity for proponents of design, Meyer said." CP
Who is a wise man and endued with knowledge among you?
James 3:13