Tuesday, April 8, 2014

IN the NEWS - Vatican UFO Nonsense......

"Earlier this month, the Vatican Observatory cosponsored a major conference on extraterrestrial life that brought together 200 of the leading astrobiologists in the world.  One of the organizers stated that one of the goals of the conference was to figure out “how we can find life among the stars within the next two decades". 

The following is how this conference was described on NASA’s website
Motivated by the rapidly increasing number of known Earth-sized planets, the increasing range of extreme conditions in which life on Earth can persist, and the progress toward a technology that will ultimately enable the search for life on exoplanets, the Vatican Observatory and the Steward Observatory announce a major conference entitled The Search for Life Beyond the Solar System: Exoplanets, Biosignatures & Instruments.
The goal of the conference is to bring together the interdisciplinary community required to address this multi-faceted challenge: experts on exoplanet observations, early and extreme life on Earth, atmospheric biosignatures, and planet-finding telescopes.
In recent years, the Vatican has really taken a position of leadership in the search for extraterrestrial life.  The current head of the Vatican Observatory, José Gabriel Funes, does not believe that there is any conflict between his faith and his search for life beyond this world…
José Gabriel Funes, an Argentine Jesuit priest and astronomer, and the current director of the Vatican Observatory says there is no conflict between believing in God and in the possibility of extraterrestrial civilizations perhaps more evolved than humans.
“In my opinion this possibility exists,” said the Reverend José Gabriel Funes,
Asked if he was referring to beings similar to humans or even more evolved than humans, he said: “Certainly, in a universe this big you can’t exclude this hypothesis.”
“Just as there is a multiplicity of creatures on earth, there can be other beings, even intelligent, created by God. This is not in contrast with our faith because we can’t put limits on God’s creative freedom. Why can’t we speak of a ‘brother extraterrestrial’? It would still be part of creation.”
Funes, who runs the observatory that is based south of Rome and in Arizona, held out the possibility that the human race might actually be the “lost sheep” of the universe. There could be other beings “who remained in full friendship with their creator,” he said.
So Funes is actually suggesting that when we do encounter extraterrestrial beings, they may not have fallen into sin like humanity has." InfoWars

We are being watched---but why would someone in paradise want to come visit this world of pain, suffering & death? For a "Christian" Church to entertain this sort of nonsense about being visted by aliens is---well NONSENSE
....that we would be a stage play for the universe, for Angels and for men.

1 Corinthians 4:9 ABPE