Tuesday, April 1, 2014

IN the NEWS - U.N. scare tactics for the Green Religion

Disciples of the GREEN RELIGION showing
their support for their doctrine of
"Climate Change".......Picture these angry people
(who think their doing MOTHER Earth's bidding)
joining political forces with Christians
(who think their doing GOD's bidding)
in the end times would = persecution of "dissent"
"YOKOHAMA, Japan (AP) — If the world doesn't cut pollution of heat-trapping gases, the already noticeable harms of global warming could spiral "out of control," the head of a United Nations scientific panel warned Monday.
And he's not alone. The Obama White House says it is taking this new report as a call for action, with Secretary of State John Kerry saying "the costs of inaction are catastrophic."
Rajendra Pachauri, chairman of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change that issued the 32-volume, 2,610-page report here early Monday, told The Associated Press: "it is a call for action."

Without reductions in emissions, he said, impacts from 
warming "could get out of control."

One of the study's authors, Maarten van Aalst, a top official at the International Federation of the Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies, said, "If we don't reduce greenhouse gases soon, risks will get out of hand. And the risks have already risen."" AP
 ....and worshipped and served the creature more than the Creator,
Romans 1:25
And just how could they be planning to get "reductions in emissions"? One possibility to reduce our so-called "carbon footprint", would be to set aside a day for the planet to "rest"---sort of a global Sabbath if you will.
We keep pointing out on this blog that this is one way spiritual "Egypt" is coaxed into co-operating with spiritual "Babylon" when the mark-of-the-beast is implemented.
Scripture tells us spiritual "Babylon" implements it In the U.S. & that America then gets the world to go along....but it doesn't tell us how. This would be just one of many possibilities. This also addresses those who claim the world is too secular, or too divided, to set up a holy (counterfeit) "Sabbath" day to honor God. "Babylon" implements it to appease an angry "FATHER GOD" & "Egypt" co-operates to appease an angry "MOTHER EARTH".---that could be one way they do it...