Monday, April 21, 2014

Creation Moment 4/22/2014 - A 'lil tiff

"The ideological battle between “science guy” Bill Nye and creationist Ken Ham is still raging months after the two clashed in a highly publicized debate over evolutionary theory.
Ham, the founder of Answers in Genesis, a Christian organization that rejects Darwinian evolution, took particular issue with an article Nye recently wrote for the Skeptical Inquirer.
In it, Nye described the debate from his perspective, essentially claimed victory and called Ham “the head of a congregation,” a descriptive the creationist leader didn’t appreciate.
“Of course, AiG is not a church. We don’t have a congregation,” Ham wrote in a response to the article.
Ham went on to write that he believes Nye is purposefully trying to get the public to see his organization as “some sort of cultic fringe group.”
The effort, he believes, is being waged to try and harm perception of Christians who believe in the Bible — and those in particular who agree with his views on creationism (Gallup has found that 46 percent of Americans believe God created human beings in their present form; 15 percent believe humans evolved without God’s guidance)." The Blaze

Mr. Nye- You must not testify falsely against your neighbor. Deuteronomy 5:20 NLT