Wednesday, April 9, 2014

Creation Moment 4/10/2014 - New Planets a Problem for Evolutionists

"There are significant scientific problems with attempts to explain the formation of stars and planets from clouds of gas and dust. One main issue is that the hypothetical disk of gas and dust tends to dissipate too fast for the resulting planets to become as large as they are observed to be.
There are other major problems:

Many extrasolar planets orbit extremely close to their stars—even closer than Mercury is to the sun. Thus they are far too hot for many materials to condense and pull together by gravity. A few exoplanets even lose matter to the star or from their gases being essentially “boiled away”.
To address this problem, evolutionary astronomers proposed that planets could form far away from the star and then the orbit could move inward. This is referred to as orbit migration. This would allow the planets to form in a cooler region of their stellar system, but then the orbit would shrink, due to friction from the dust disk slowing the planet, to put the planet where we see it now.
Orbit migration theories have difficulties because the dust disk around the star tends to dissipate before the planet can grow large enough or before it can come to its observed position.

A new problem for planet origin theories has surfaced in recent months. A technique has been developed to determine a planet’s orbital tilt relative to the equator of the star. Several exoplanets actually have retrograde orbits—in the opposite direction of the star’s spin. Other exoplanets have very large orbital inclinations (slants), some more than 80 degrees.
These strange orbits create a serious problem for planet origins models because a planet is said to get the momentum for its orbit from the dust disk that it formed from. Thus planet orbits should initially be in the same plane as the equator of the star, and in the same direction as the star’s rotation. But there is no plausible way that a dust disk can give rise to a planet with an orbital tilt of 80 degrees, let alone a reverse direction orbit.
Some scientists believe that where there are three or more stars and planets in a system, it is possible for a planet’s orbit to become highly inclined. But this must assume that objects once existed in these systems at large distances from their star, which we cannot or do not observe (and where did they come from?). CMI

Hath in these last days spoken unto us by his Son, whom he hath appointed heir of all things, by whom also he made the worlds;
Hebrews 1:2