Monday, March 3, 2014

Who is Anthony (Tony) Palmer?

So who is Anthony (Tony) Palmer, that speaker for the Papal presentation to charismatic protestants in TX the other day?
Tony is a bishop in the Communion of Evangelical Episcopal Churches from South Africa & his wife is Catholic. That denomination (CEEC) is part of the convergence movement which is a movement that seeks to unite the teachings of the early apostolic church, using the episcopal Common Book of Prayer liturgies and a charismatic & evangelical bent & blend. In other words, it was some mainline protestants hooking up with some charismatic & evangelical Christians.
So the Pope's long time "friend" who gave the mini-sermon and introduced the Pope wasn't even a Catholic, but rather of a movement to unite Christians. Interesting.....

Watch below in case you missed it....
A “Spiritual hug” in the form of a video message taken on an iPhone, to a group of evangelical Christians. The introduction given by Anglican Bishop Tony Palmer: Luther’s “protest” is over.
Even Kenneth Copeland finds this development incredible: Said Copeland, “Heaven is thrilled over this…You know what is so thrilling to me? When we went into the ministry 47 years ago,this was impossible.”
And I heard another voice from heaven, saying,
Come out of her, my people,
that ye be not partakers of her sins,
and that ye receive not of her plagues.
Revelation 18:4