Tuesday, March 11, 2014

Joseph's Lesson about Adultery

Joseph is a type of "Christ" in the Bible-as are many Bible characters.

In Scripture women represent churches or groups of people on earth. Just like the two women in Revelation (the harlot & the woman clothed with the sun).
Joseph refused to commit adultery with a wicked woman of this world.
So too should Christ's church/people resist adulterating with the spiritual wicked woman on this earth.
Why drink spiritually from the wells of Babylon? Why borrow from her worship styles? Why follow some of her people into unbiblical women ordination? Why follow some of her daughters into gay marriage? How many Adventists (& other Bible believing Christians out there) have been seduced into apostasy by following her TV evangelists? Or read her heresy online and then slide into confusion?
And it came to pass,
as she spake to Joseph day by day,
that he hearkened not unto her,
to lie by her,
or to be with her.
Genesis 39:10