Tuesday, March 18, 2014

IN the NEWS - USAF Academy's War on Religion

 Another example of the war on religion within Obama's military......
"24 nonprofit and legal organizations has come together to announce that its members will offer assistance to cadets at the U.S. Air Force Academy who face “repercussions” for writing Bible verses on whiteboards outside their bedroom doors.
The Restore Military Religious Freedom Coalition, a group dedicated to “defending the religious freedoms of members of [the] Armed Forces and Veterans,” officially responded Thursday to the ongoing furor over the removal of a scripture message from a cadet’s bedroom door.

With the unnamed cadet’s fellow students responding to the scrubbing by placing verses from the Bible and the Koran on their own whiteboards, members of the coalition are now speaking out, claiming that the removal is a grave violation of religious liberty.
Lt. Gen. (Ret.) Jerry Boykin, vice president of the Family Research Council, a coalition member, said in a statement that cadets should be free to post their religious views outside their doors — space that is considered usable for both work and personal purposes.
“This reflects that the cadets understand the Constitution and have a greater faith in the Constitution than their leaders,” Boykin said of the posting of verses. “They are freely exercising their constitutional rights that they will be defending upon graduation.”
Gary McCaleb, another coalition member who serves as chief solicitor and executive vice president for strategy implementation at Alliance Defending Freedom, added that “suppressing religion is wrong whether it is done behind an Iron Curtain or in a dorm hallway.”
He said that religious discrimination has no place in the Air Force.
The latest response to the situation comes after Mikey Weinstein, president of the Military Religious Freedom Foundation, told TheBlaze Wednesday that there is a “revolt” underway at the academy over the removal of the cadet’s Bible verse." TheBlaze
The LORD is my strength and my shield;
Psalm 28:7