Friday, March 7, 2014

Papal Notes - Sorry Francis....

"Pope Francis confessed Thursday that he took the rosary cross of his late confessor from his casket and wears it to this day in a fabric pouch under his cassock. He said he did so telling the late priest, "Give me half your mercy."
.He told the story of the "great confessor" of Buenos Aires who had heard
confessions from most of the diocesan priests as well as from Pope John Paul II when he visited Argentina.
When the priest died, Francis went to pray by his open casket and was stunned that no one had brought any flowers.
`'This man forgave the sins of all the priests of Buenos Aires, but not a single flower ...?" Francis recalled. So he went out and bought a bouquet of roses, and when he returned to arrange them around the casket, he saw the rosary the priest still held in his hand.
"And immediately there came to mind the thief we all have inside ourselves and while I arranged the flowers I took the cross and with just a bit of force I removed it," he said, showing with his hands how he pulled the cross off the rosary. " AP

Sorry Francis....BUT
1) Only God can forgive sins ... NOT the "confessor" of  Buenos Aires. I--yes, I alone--will blot out your sins for my own sake... Isaiah 43:25 NLT
2) And You shall not steal. Exodus 20:15 NLT