Friday, March 7, 2014

IN the NEWS - Old Fashioned Paganism still exists

 Old Fashioned Paganism still exists

"Maha Shivaratri (also Shivratri) is celebrated on February 27, 2014, by Hindus all over the world. This
Offering of a human skull
during the Shiva festivities
festival glorifies the Hindu god Shiva, believed to be the lord of cosmic destruction and dance. The festival is celebrated on the 14th night of the new moon during the Hindu lunar month of Phalguna.
The celebration of Maha Shivaratri begins with a night vigil leading up to the day of the festival during which many Shiva devotees fast and offer special prayers. Shiva is worshiped in the form of a lingam, a vertical, rounded column, representing the male creative force and the infinite, indescribable nature of God, and the yoni which represents female creative energy. Together they represents the totality of creation. Together it represents the union of organs, and the totality of creation.
Flowers, incense and other offerings are made, while prayers and bhajans are chanted. Bhang, an intoxicant made from the cannabis plant is consumed by many on the occasion of Maha Shivaratri." HP
"One of 12 holidays dedicated to the Hindu god Lord Shiva, the bringer of death and destruction, the Maha Shivarati marks the day of his wedding to the goddess Parvati as well as the day he first performed his cosmic dance, the Tavata." DailyMail
Just a glimpse of what it must have felt like when the
children of Israel came into contact with pagan nations
Do not defile yourselves
by any of these things;
Leviticus 18:24