Monday, March 3, 2014

IN the NEWS - A Disciple jumps ship & one keeps Evangelizing

 A Disciple of the Green religion has jumped ship-
"Greenpeace co-founder and Canadian ecologist Patrick Moore is reported to have told a Senate
Environment and Public Works Committee, "There is no scientific proof that human emissions of carbon dioxide (C02) are the dominant cause of the minor warming of the Earth's atmosphere over the past 100 years."
Not only that, but according to a Breitbart report, Moore "admitted that Greenpeace intentionally used faulty computer models and scare tactics in promoting claims man-made gases are heating up the planet."
The report went on to add that Moore claimed that even if the planet is warming up, "it would not be calamitous for humanity." BCN

They traded the truth about God for a lie.
So they worshiped and served the things God created instead of the Creator himself,
Romans 1:25 NLT
"...... the term "dark green religion" or "dark green spirituality", which he broadly defines as a religion, or a "religion-resembling" set of beliefs and practices, characterized by a central conviction that "nature is sacred, has intrinsic value, and is therefore due reverent care." Tied in with this belief is a felt kinship with non-human entities and a conscious awareness of the interconnected and interdependent nature of life on the planet. Taylor argues that dark green religion possesses many of the characteristics of established religions, such as sacred texts (a book such as Walden, for example), prophets (writers and activists such as Henry David Thoreau, John Muir and Rachael Carson), rituals ("soul surfers" meeting the ocean at dawn) and elements some consider dangerous (radical "eco-terrorists"). Dark green religion also has an inherently political component with regards to environmentalism; the idea that nature is sacred comes with an ethical responsibility to treat it as such.
As outlined in Dark Green Religion: Nature Spirituality and the Planetary Future, Taylor asserts that belief in the sacrality of nature may or may not involve a belief in supernatural beings or forces. An atheist who reads evolution as an epic narrative of spiritual significance may be engaging in dark green religion, as would a pantheist who is humbled by the structure of the cosmos. Those who perceive the Earth to be like an organism if not also a sentient being (Gaianism),.." Wikipedia

And another disciple keeps on evangelizing-

"Author and professor Bron Taylor will discuss how a multifaceted trend of “dark green” religion is becoming a global movement at UT’s fourth annual David L. Dungan Memorial Lecture.
Taylor’s lecture, “Spirituality After Darwin: ‘Dark Green’ Nature Religion as Global Religious Movement,” is presented by the Issues Committee and co-sponsored by the Department of Religious Studies.
Taylor observes that since Charles Darwin published On the Origin of Species in 1859, a new global earth religion has been rapidly spreading. This religion focuses on defending earth’s biocultural diversity, with followers feeling a sense of belonging in nature, expressing kinship with nonhuman organisms, and understanding the world to be deeply interconnected."UTofKnoxville