Thursday, March 6, 2014

IN the NEWS - The Pope's Boy Is Back

Watch Below..the Pope's Boy, Anthony Palmer, Is Back Already

"Apparently Tony Palmer ......was deadly serious about his mission to unite the Protestant world with Catholicism. He has issued another video message wherein he underscores his desire to see visible unity amongst Christians. In his carefully written rally call, he says that Protestant Christians have spiritual racism. He proclaims that in the Post-Protestant era we live in anything that causes division must go.

Palmer says we (the Evangelical world) are hungry and we will find what we are looking for in the arms of the Pope. Is this famine for bread a famine caused by the watering down of the message for so many years? Does the Pope have the bread the Protestant world is looking for? Interestingly enough, the analogy of Joseph used by the Pope of himself, is of Joseph in Egypt. In the Bible, Egypt represents sin.
Palmer goes on to say that "The first step to deal with spiritual racism is to abolish the law which empowers it." What law would that be?
According to Palmer it is this enforced unity, led by the babble of the gift of tongues through their "Spirit" that will get atheists to believe. When Protestants and Catholics are united, all the world will believe, he claims." AmazingDiscoveries
And he had power to give life unto the image of the beast,
that the image of the beast should both speak,
and cause that as many as would not worship the image of the beast should be killed.
Revelation 13:15