Thursday, March 20, 2014

Creation Moment 3/21/2014 - Refuting that Tyson guy

"Geologist Dr. Andrew Snelling points to the persistence of radiocarbon in many materials conventionally claimed to be too old to contain any residual amount of the isotope.
He says, “The rate of radiocarbon (C-14) decay is so rapid that any fossils older than 1 million years should have no radiocarbon left in them. So

based on the biblical timeline of earth history, with the Flood about 4500 years ago burying and fossilizing animals and plants, it was predicted that fossils should still contain significant amounts of radiocarbon and thus be radiocarbon dated at only thousands of years old. The best instruments can only detect C-14 atoms equivalent to an age or 80,000 years or less but have still found an abundant presence of radiocarbon in every fossil (samples of oil, natural gas, and even limestones) so far tested, which has been reported in the secular literature, such as the journal Radiocarbon. This was confirmed by further studies of fossilized shells and dinosaur bones, petrified wood, coal and even diamonds, which all contained measurable radiocarbon equivalent to ages of only thousands of years.”" AIG
All Scripture is breathed out by God and profitable for teaching,
2 Timothy 3:16