Thursday, March 13, 2014

Creation Moment 3/14/2014 - Textbook?

And they began to think up foolish ideas of what God was like.
As a result,
their minds became dark and confused. (see below exhibit A)
Romans 1:21 NLT
"Astrophysicist Neil deGrasse Tyson, host of the new “Cosmos: A Spacetime Odyssey” television re-boot, spoke out against people of faith who use their “religious text as a source of [their] science” during a radio interview Monday.

Tyson, who said that science and religion “can be compatible,” told WNYC host Brian Lehrer that he believes problems emerge when religious people start looking at the Bible and faith-based texts as the basis for their scientific views.
Additionally, he took aim at the notion that the Earth was created in six days.
“None of that is consistent with any scientifically derived information about the world,” Tyson said. “So enlightened religious people know this, and don’t try to use the Bible as a textbook, using a Western example.”
Tyson also said that about one-third of American scientists claim that there is a God to whom they pray. He quipped that these are “fully-functioning, productive scientists” who can pass psychological tests, showcasing that it’s entirely possible for a scientist to embrace the Almighty." TheBlaze

Who uses the Bible as a "textbook"?
How can you "test" what od SOPKE into existence?
And BTW, there is NO contradiction between the Bible and SCIENCE. As for evolution-that is a worldview...& apparently the worldview of Mr. Tyson as he gets another 15 minutes of fame riding the tail of his TV show.