Friday, February 14, 2014

SDA Issues - Where did Spectrum come from?

 So where did the rebellious Spectrum, the magazine of self-loathing Adventists, come from?
"In 1967, a group of Adventist professors and graduate students founded the “Association of Adventist Forums,” and a couple of years later, AAF began publishing the journal Spectrum (In 2007, AAF shortened its name to Adventist Forums, or AF.) AF sponsors not only the print journal, Spectrum, but also a website of the same name, which has become a hub of "progressive" Adventist opinion.
In recent years, AF and Spectrum have been advocating three main policy goals for the Seventh-day Adventist Church:
(1) acceptance of Darwinism/theistic evolution,
(2) acceptance and normalization of homosexuality, and
(3) female ordination and leadership.
But, in addition to the journal and website, AF has long sponsored local Adventist Forum chapters around the country, which hold periodic meetings, lectures, and symposia. The Los Angeles Adventist Forum is one of these local AF chapters." AdVindicate

For I know thy rebellion,
and thy stiff neck:
Deuteronomy 31:7
From Spectrum promoting homosexuality within the Church
From Spectrum promoting women ordination within the Church
From Spectrum promoting evolution in the Church