Tuesday, February 25, 2014

SDA Issues - Root of Ryan Bell's Shipwreck of Faith

Below is from Ryan Bell's blog "Year Without God". (Pastor Bell was fired from the SDA Church for a
multitude of reasons. He has since decided to live a year as an atheist and hence his "blog" for the year with updates on what he is doing & thinking).
The following from his own keyboard will illuminate the ROOTS of Mr. Bell's shipwreck....
"When I accepted that people in ancient times, including the Apostle Paul, had very different ideas about sexuality and that I don’t need to agree with those ideas, I felt liberated from needing to make my ethical norms about sexual difference somehow match up with the Bible. I realized that I didn’t agree with Paul." RyanBell-YearWithoutGodBlog

1) Paul's ideas are the same as God's ideas as presented way back in the OT. It has nothing to do with cultural relativism.
2) He felt "LIBERATED' by not having to have his worldview match up to the Bible's worldview. THERE IS THE ROOT OF THE PROBLEM. His heart seems to want to have it's own way.
3) He feels he doesn't need to agree with Paul as a pastor. Well that could be one reason he shouldn't be a pastor.

Hold fast to the TRUTH of SCRIPTURE so U don't end up making a shipwreck of your faith as Mr. Bell has done.
But that on the good ground are they,
which in an honest and good heart,
having heard the word,
keep it,
Luke 8:15