Thursday, February 27, 2014

IN the NEWS - NFL goes gay on Arizona... WHY?

Governor Jan Brewer of Arizona caved and vetoed the Religious  Freedom bill (labeled by opponents and
their wordsmith media allies as an anti-gay bill). Some of the pressure brought to bear on Arizona was by the NFL which was threatening to pull the superbowl scheduled there in the future out of the state. WHY would the NFL get involved in this? WHY has the country become obsessed with pandering to the whims of the gay community, even at the expense of freedom of religion?
What is really happening here in America, is that the secular and nominal Christian left keeps poking Christians and spiritual Babylon in the eye. When they (spiritual Babylon) make it into political power, and are in the midst of natural disasters, one can see how this moral drift, and war on Christianity, could be used as a reference point for a rallying movement in attempting to appease an angry Father God when they justify the attempt to implement the mark of the beast.

Likewise also as it was in the days of Lot;....Even thus shall it be
in the day when the Son of man is revealed. Luke 17:28,30