Saturday, February 8, 2014

Creation Moment 2/9/2014 - Creation Debate in France

".....the evolution question among the French evangelical community, about the similarities but also about the big differences with the US situation. In France, evangelicals account for less than 1% of the country’s 65 million inhabitants. In the media, the creationist perspective has been discussed and debated. Many times on TV or in the press, evangelicals are caricatured as fundamentalist anti-evolution people, especially during 2009’s “Year of Darwin ”.
Unlike in the States, in France, the biological program is the same for every child in the country, and it is only decided by scientists. Evolution has been taught for decades, even in primary schools. There is almost no private evangelical school, and almost no home schooling.

 Most of the teachers are neutral with regard to the “religious” consequences of evolution, but some openly use it as a tool against a Christian worldview, most of the time by little remarks or jokes.
Old Earth creationism is probably the most common view. The creationist influence grew, however, when American missionaries came to Europe during the Cold War. Today, there is an active creationist community in France, Belgium, Switzerland and Quebec (all French speaking regions); the Web has been a powerful tool to organize these groups.
In 2009, six of the most influential evolutionary French biologists organized a big national conference tour titled “Evolution? Evolution!!” Biology teachers were required to attend. The purpose was to give educators or other interested parties arguments against Creationism and Intelligent Design." BL
How long halt ye between two opinions?
if the LORD be God, follow him:  
but if Baal, then follow him.
1 Kings 18:21