Monday, February 3, 2014

Creation Moment 2/4/2014 - Black Hole Debate

Hmmm...well, well
"A recent paper by Stephen Hawking has created quite a stir, even leading Nature News to declare there are no black holes. But it is now clear that Hawking’s claim about black holes is wrong because the paradox he tries to address isn’t a paradox after all."
So are there Black Holes or not? If not, then what else are they WRONG about relating to the cosmos (& the origins thereof--such as the Big Bang & evolution?). But if there are black holes...then someone who is presented to us as a "god" in the field of science (Hawking in this case) isn't so after all....So when Hawking's tells us that there is no God & the universe made itself...maybe he is wrong about that too?
Bottom Line: Don't put your trust in the "intelligence" of man...
Jesus Christ the same yesterday, and to day, and for ever.
Hebrews 13:8